We just launched CzechCrunch Shine job board in cooperation with Welcome to the Jungle 🎉 — Find out more


Czech startup community created by entrepreneurs for startup enthusiasts.

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Startup people sitting around a table - Hero Image Before You Shine

All the fun things we do


We humans need to connect offline once in a while right? We organise amazing events where you can meet upcoming entrepreneurs sharing their stories.



We are teaming up with leading startups in the Czech Republic to offer great job opportunities and a chance to start your career to anyone who wants to build their own company one day.


Need advise on strategic decisions? In our community of mentors you can share and ask anything you might be wondering in the startup world!


Our Team


In her role of the Founder of CzechCrunch Shine, she shapes the mission of our community. One of Klára’s main responsibilities is helping young talent to start their career in the startup sphere.


Domi is the heart and soul of our events. She’s been working in startups communities and events for a while now, you may have heard about one of her projects - Startup World Cup & Summit.


After spending some time in the Silicon Valley, Bára came back to Prague to be a part of our startup scene. With her great experience, Bára brings the best stories to our blog and all our communications.


Honza takes care of the CzechCrunch Shine website and all the visuals. He's a designer who loves to design products and websites, no-code/develop in Webflow & create/sell digital resources for the community.


From time to time Roman comes to shoot our events and eat food. His artistic approach to life is balanced with technical skills helping startups creating their digital products.

Our Stories

Read All Stories

🇨🇿 | Leaders Uncovered: Hana Fořtová, Frusack

Slyšeli jste o nekompromisně správném sáčku Frusack? Je etický, udržitelný a vyrobený z unikátního materiálu na bázi kukuřičného škrobu. Dnes se díky startupu Hany Fořtové a Terezy Dvořákové ročně ušetří až 400 plastových sáčků. Hanka přijala pozvání již k desátému dílu série Leaders Uncovered, aby s námi sdílela její osobní příběh a cestu k podnikání.


🇨🇿 | 3 knižní tipy od Petry Fritsch

Společně s lidmi z redakce CzechCrunche jsme vytvořili knihovnu, která je plná knižních tipů pro váš osobní rozvoj, motivaci a inspiraci.


Upcoming Events

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Past Events

Founders2Founders #3
Jul 2, 2020
STRV, Prague
Startup Christmas Party
Dec 13, 2019
WeWork, Prague
Founders2Founders #2
Nov 14, 2019
UP21, Prague
Jun 13, 2019
UP21, Prague
We're ready to shine. Are you?
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